Why TACT2?
What makes TACT2/TBM Different?
It's a valid question: When there are so many crisis intervention programs out there, what makes TACT2 the best choice?
Difference 1: TACT2 is realistic. It distinguishes between deliberate misbehavior and true emotional crisis.
a. Any staff or parent knows that there are times when children and youth are acting up intentionally. Perhaps they’re manipulating adults to get their way, or acting tough to impress their peers, or just messing around because they’re bored. We call this “Deliberate Misbehavior,” grounded in Dr. William Glasser’s work on social needs. We teach staff to recognize deliberate cues and to use a corrective approach by setting and enforcing reasonable limits, while encouraging youth to make wise choices before consequences are applied.
b. We also know that there are times when children are acting out emotionally because they’re afraid, tired, or overwhelmed. Perhaps they’re worried about a parent who having legal trouble, or they’re being bullied online about their looks, or something just triggered a painful memory. We call this “Emotional Crisis,” grounded in Drs. Nicholas Long and Sandra Bloom’s work on self-esteem and trauma-informed care. We teach staff to recognize emotional cues and to use a counseling approach by giving space and actively listening to de-escalate crisis.

Difference 2: TACT2 is practical. It uses realistic examples, everyday language, and story-driven instruction.
While trauma-informed and grounded in sound theory, TACT2 training is practical, well-organized, and easy to learn. Unlike courses mired in clinical jargon, TACT2 uses everyday language and topical examples. Front line staff like it because it really makes sense, and works well to manage daily interactions. Social workers and counselors like it because it offers a common framework without over-simplifying clinical issues related to childhood trauma. Administrators like it because it is well-organized with built in accountability.
Difference 3: TACT2 is dynamic. The content is fun, and ToTs are led by exceptionally skilled Master Trainers.
TACT2 was written by a former classroom teacher, crisis counselor, and professor of special education with 30+ years in the field. Dr. Steve Parese is highly regarded as a talented writer and an engaging speaker, and he still delivers many TACT2 Trainings of Trainers (ToTs) personally. He has also trained a very small group of highly skilled, dynamic Master Trainers, each with a strong background in education, social work, or therapy, as well as years of experience in staff development. Staff trainers who gain certification in TACT2 go through an intense 4-day experience with Parese or one of these Master Trainers, who skillfully model both the content and our dynamic, brain-friendly way of teaching.
Difference 4: TACT2 is safe. It teaches non-injurious, assertive physical skills, and emphasizes therapeutic judgment.
When a situation places youth or adults in immediate danger, staff need a safe physical alternative that works, without causing greater harm to the out-of-control youngster. TACT2 teaches a set of genuinely effective, non-injurious physical techniques for self-protection, standing holds, escorts, and non-prone restraints. As trainees' skills progress, we practice in increasingly realistic scenarios, always emphasizing professional judgement and use of minimal force. Final certification in physical interventions is given ONLY to those who can demonstrate true mastery during a one-to-one practical test.